It’s hard to believe, dear readers, but We ❤︎ Health Literacy is turning 4! To celebrate this milestone, we thought we’d give you a brief window into how an idea becomes a We ❤︎ Health Literacy post.
Whether we’re talking about board games or breaking news, our posts are inspired by real-life situations that our team and clients regularly encounter in the wilds of health communication.
It all starts when one of our writers has an idea — perhaps at a casual game night with friends.

Once inspired, our intrepid writer pitches the idea to the rest of the team and drafts the post.

Then the We ❤︎ Health Literacy team edits, edits, and copyedits just one more time.

Simultaneously, our doodler-in-chief is creating a cute illustration…

…and when it’s all assembled, the post is ready to send!

The bottom line: Happy 4th birthday to us! And a huge thanks to you, dear readers — we couldn’t do it without you.
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