We really hate to do this, but we’re asking for your help.
We know, we know — your Facebook and Twitter feeds are already flooded with similar demands. “Like” this, retweet that, gimme money for my poorly-conceived Kickstarter, and so on. But we swear, this is different — a project that anyone committed to health literacy can get behind.
We’ve applied for a $150,000 grant through the Chase Mission Main Street fund to back a project we’re super excited about — Picture Public Health, a database of stock photos specifically designed for health communicators.
Sure, the web is chock-full of stock photos tagged “health” already, but we’ve written about our struggles with the available selection before. Basically, it can be hard to find health-related photos that aren’t terrible.
So we’ve been working to create a library of stock photos showing real people doing healthy things. That means no Photoshopped models staring blankly at forkfuls of salad, no silhouetted figures striking yoga poses on the beach, and no photos tagged “bike safety” showing kids riding without helmets.
This project won’t only benefit us and the people who use our products. Our goal is to make Picture Public Health accessible to everyone — and affordable for public health organizations on a budget.
This project is dear to our hearts, but we need funding to pull it off. That’s why we’re asking for your help.
So follow the directions below and cast a vote for real, engaging stock photos for health communicators! If we get enough votes by October 17, we’ll make it into the next round.
Thank you. And we promise, we won’t make a habit of this.
Help Us Win a Chase Mission Main Street Grant in 3 Easy Steps
- Go to our Business Profile
- Click “vote now” to vote with your Facebook account (don’t worry — it won’t post to Facebook when you vote)
- Kick back and bask in your awesomeness
The bottom line: Health communicators need better photo options. You can help.
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