Health Literacy in a Multilingual World

Illustration of a doodle in a space suit, floating above the Earth, saying into a megaphone "People of Earth! Here's how to take your medicine..." with a "HL Live" satellite in the background.

Here at We ❤ Health Literacy headquarters, we’re big on knowing your audience and tailoring your content — and that’s especially important when you’re writing for readers with limited English proficiency (LEP).

Of course, translating your materials is the most reliable way to make sure your readers will understand them. But sometimes, translation just isn’t feasible — especially for less common languages. So what can you do when the audience for your English-language materials includes readers with LEP?

As always, writing in plain language is a great start! Here are a few more specific tips.

Keep it simple. Be sure each word’s meaning is clear, since your readers may not have a nuanced understanding of English. Take a look at this example:

Once you start the medicine, don’t stop without talking to your doctor.

A reader who isn’t familiar with the multiple meanings of “once” may think you only need to take the medicine 1 time. Add to that the double negative of “don’t” and “without,” and you have a recipe for confusion. Instead, try being more specific:

Take 1 pill every day until they’re gone. If you want to stop before you finish all the pills, ask your doctor if it’s safe to stop taking them.

Avoid idioms. Idioms can help your writing feel conversational, but a phrase that doesn’t have a literal translation — like “keep an eye on it” or “rule of thumb” — can confuse readers with LEP.

Use visuals to support your message. Icons and images give readers additional information that can help them understand the accompanying words. This series of fact sheets on tuberculosis from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health uses illustrations to help readers grasp key concepts, like disease symptoms:

Illustrations show a woman having a fever, losing weight, coughing, and feeling tired.

The bottom line: For people with limited English proficiency, use simple, straightforward language and visuals to communicate your message.

Things We ❤: CDC’s Everyday Words for Public Health Communication

Illustration of a doodle holding up CDC's Everyday Words for Public Health Communication document as other doodles swoon and point, saying "isn't it beautiful?"

You know we can’t help celebrating when we find a new health communication resource we ❤. So this week, we’re giving a very enthusiastic We ❤ Health Literacy plug to CDC’s latest plain language resource: Everyday Words for Public Health Communication.

Aimed at people developing health content for consumers, this resource includes everyday, plain language alternatives for common public health terms — everything from “abstinence” to “virus.” For plain language nerds like us, it’s almost as good as it gets.

But this resource even takes it a step further! It uses the plain language alternatives in sentences so you can really get a feel for how to use them. And the example sentences come from real-life health content on

That, dear readers, is some pretty authentic stuff.

The bottom line: Use CDC’s Everyday Words for Public Health Communication to find plain language alternatives for commonly used public health terms.

How to Explain the Immune System

Illustration of a doodle saying "What are you doing?!" to a second doodle who is eating tiny exercise equipment and saying "Strengthening my immune system! Duh." as a third doodle looks on, saying "What? No! Why?! Thats not how it works!" There is a caption below the drawing that says "Please DO NOT eat tiny exercise equipment."

Today, dear readers, we’re talking about a system of the body that comes up pretty regularly in health communication (especially during cold and flu season!). Yep, you guessed it: the immune system — basically a private army that fights infections to keep us healthy. And really, who doesn’t ❤ that?

The thing is, it’s not always easy to explain the immune system to readers. That’s why we always pause to ask ourselves: Do we need to use the term or can we simply explain what happens instead?

Some readers do need to know the term “immune system” — like people living with HIV or getting treatment for cancer. Since their immune systems are so relevant to their care, you’ll want to teach these readers exactly what the term means. Consider saying something like:

The medicine you get during chemotherapy can weaken your immune system (the system that helps your body fight infections). When your immune system is weak, you’re more likely to get sick — and it can take longer for you to get better.

For readers who don’t need to know the ins and outs of the immune system, you may not need to use the term. Instead, you could say something like:

During chemotherapy, your loved one is more likely to get sick — and it can take longer for them to get better.

The bottom line: Teach the term “immune system” to readers who will be hearing it often and skip it with those who won’t.

Preventing “Preventable”

Illustration of 2 doodles standing by a fence. One says to the other, "Wow! That's a mighty preventive fence ya got there, Sam." and the other replies, "Oh yeah. Some say it's the preventatist!"

We don’t have to tell you, dear readers, that disease prevention is the backbone of public health. But when it comes to plain language, words like “preventable” and “preventive” sound like — yup, you guessed it — jargon (gasp!).

As much as we ❤ them as concepts, the truth is these terms tend to complicate simple ideas. If what we’re really saying is that people can take steps to avoid getting sick, let’s say that. Like many words,“preventable” and “preventive” can often be swapped out for plain language alternatives.

Consider these sentences:

Vaccines are important in addressing preventable diseases, like measles.

Preventive care is important for your health.

Instead, opt for:

Vaccines (shots) protect people from serious diseases, like measles.

Health care isn’t just for when you’re sick. Ask your doctor about screenings and other services that can keep you healthy.

Sometimes, you just can’t prevent using “preventive.” Say you’re a health insurer explaining that you cover a specific category of care called “preventive services.” Instead of getting rid of this term, teach it to people: “We now cover all preventive services, which include check ups, screenings, and counseling to prevent health problems.”

And whatever you do, dear reader, please steer clear of “preventative.” It’s “preventive” dressed up with an extra syllable (and you can guess how we feel about extra syllables).

The bottom line: In plain language writing, you can usually skip “preventable” and “preventive.”

The Curse of Knowledge

Illustration of a doodle in a top hat showing a material to another doodle, saying "Does this make sense to you, madam?" and getting the reply "Nope. Not at all." while 2 doodles with top hats in the background say "But I thought it was perfect!" and "Nooooo!!!"

Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we always check with medical experts to make sure the health communication materials we develop are accurate. These experts are essential to the process — they have the knowledge and experience to know the ins and outs of a health topic.

But when you’re immersed in anything for a long time, it’s easy to forget that the rest of the world, well, isn’t. And that’s where the curse of knowledge comes in. The more you know about a particular health topic, the harder it is to think about it from someone else’s perspective — especially if that someone knows less about the topic than you. (The Heath brothers explain this in depth in their book Made to Stick.)

It happens all the time. Remember when you got all the way to the end of a hilarious story about a _______, only to have your listener say, “What’s a _______?” with a confused look. Don’t worry, dear readers — we’ve been there, too.

As health communicators, it’s our job to be on the lookout for the curse of knowledge. You might see it pop up on a project when you’re on the ninth round of edits from the medical expert. Or when you realize that your material is full of multisyllabic jargon (not that you would ever allow that to happen).

Whenever you feel the curse of knowledge creeping in, ask yourself and your experts to take a step back and remember your audience. Ask, “What’s it like to learn about this topic for the first time?” Or, even better, quickly test the content with members of your priority audience.

The bottom line: Watch out for the curse of knowledge. Test with your audience to make sure your materials are understandable.

2016 Health Literacy Events

Illustration of a doodle saying "Mark your calendars!" while marking days on a "Cats of 2016" calendar.

As the field of health communication expands, it’s important for all of us health literacy advocates to get together as often as we can. Learn new things and feel the health literacy love, dear readers, by attending a conference (or 3)!

Here are just a few of our favorite health communication events coming up this year:

Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA) Health Literacy Conference
May 4­–6 • Anaheim, CA

Health Communication Leadership Institute
May 31–June 3 • Austin, TX

Tufts University Health Literacy Leadership Institute
June 13–17 • Boston, MA

National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
August 23–25 • Atlanta, GA

8th Annual Health Literacy Research Conference
October 17–18 • Bethesda, MD

Mark your calendars — and perhaps we’ll see you there!

The bottom line: There are lots of great events in 2016 where you can connect with other health literacy advocates.

How to “Respond” — Appropriately

Illustration of a doodle saying "wh–what are you doing?!" as another doodle with a backpack, a camera, mismatched shoes, a top hat and an emergency light on its head, holding a toilet plunger, runs off while saying "RESPONDING!"

It’s time for another installment of our unofficial “use simpler words” series. You remember, don’t you? (Let us jog your memories: procedure, inflammation, and monitor.)

This week’s word, “respond,” doesn’t need to be replaced or simplified so much as it needs to be clarified. Why? Well, it’s just plain vague. Does a hazmat team respond to a toxic chemical spill by singing an opera about it? Of course not — they respond by donning their hazmat suits and working to keep the public safe.

Consider these examples:

  • It will be 6 weeks before we can tell if the cancer is responding to the treatment.
  • When the hurricane hits, we will respond quickly.

C’mon… we can be clearer than that, dear readers! Try these on for size instead:

  • It will be 6 weeks before we can tell if the treatment is shrinking the tumor.
  • When the hurricane hits, we will act quickly to keep people safe and help anyone who’s hurt.

Sure, you may use a few more words, but you’ll be more specific and focused on action. And who doesn’t ❤ that?

The bottom line: Instead of using the word “respond,” say what’s actually happening.

Plain Language for Health: A Writing and Design Workshop

Plain Language for Health: A Writing and Design Workshop

This workshop is designed for motivated individuals and teams working to communicate health information in ways people can understand. Join us for “Plain Language for Health: A Writing and Design Workshop” on March 17–18, 2016 in Boston, MA. Visit the website to learn more and apply. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Learn new skills, gain valuable tools, and make lasting connections. The workshop will be led by Stacy Robison and Xanthi Scrimgeour, co-founders of CommunicateHealth, along with Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, Director, Tufts Health Literacy Leadership Institute, and Alia Bucciarelli, Health Writer and Guest Speaker. Funded in part by the National Library of Medicine under contract with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Communicating About Lead: Lessons from Flint

Doodle reading about lead

We’ve all seen the devastating news from Flint, MI. Many of us have already taken action — either personally or professionally. As health communicators, we have an important role to play in educating the public (or sometimes just our friends and family) when a health crisis makes headlines. Especially when it’s a complicated environmental health topic like lead poisoning.

You see, dear readers, lead poisoning prevention is near and dear to our ❤s at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters. We see it as a social justice issue, as lead poisoning disproportionally affects already vulnerable populations — like people of color, refugees, and people who can’t afford lead-safe housing.

As we communicate about the health impact of the crisis in Flint — and about the ongoing prevention efforts throughout the country — here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Use plain language to explain the causes and dangers. Watch out for jargon like exposure or monitor.
  • Make sure your message is appropriate for your audience. For example, telling the residents of Flint that lead poisoning is 100% preventable certainly isn’t the best approach at the moment. Instead, focus on clear action steps that concerned parents can take — like drinking bottled water and getting kids tested for lead poisoning.
  • Never rely on numbers alone to communicate risk. If you’re following the Flint lead crisis news coverage, chances are you’ve been hearing about parts per billion (how lead is measured in water) and micrograms per deciliter (how lead is measured in a child’s bloodstream). With complex measurements like these, it’s even more important to give context for what certain measurements actually mean for individuals and their families.

It’s also important to remember that lead poisoning doesn’t only come from catastrophic events like Flint. CDC has some great plain language resources on lead poisoning prevention (disclaimer, we may have had something to do with these, back in the day):

The bottom line: Public health disasters like the lead poisoning crisis in Flint can offer valuable reminders about the critical need for effective health communication.

Testing Techniques Part 4: Online Surveys

Illustration of a "Survey Survey" with the question "Is your survey plain language?" and a 10-point scale from "Nu-uh!" to "Ehh..." to "Yes" (selected), with a game show host pointing to it and saying "Survey sa..." with several unimpressed onlookers.

Online surveys can be great tools for learning about your audience, but it’s important to create them carefully to get the information you want — especially if your audience has limited literacy skills.

Whether you’re using existing survey questions or creating new ones, plain language and clear design principles apply (surely this is not surprising, dear readers).

If your survey is full of jargon, you might be testing how well your participants understand the survey itself, rather than getting accurate answers to your questions. (In fact, if your audience has extremely limited literacy skills, a written survey may not be a good way to gather information at all.)

Keep these tips in mind to make sure you’ve applied plain language and clear design principles to every last nook and cranny of your survey:

  • Write clear and simple instructions. If participants can select more than one answer, ask them to “Check all that apply.”
  • If you’re using a scale, make sure it’s consistent and easy to understand. For example, if 1=bad and 10=good in the first question, stick with that format for the following questions, too. Switching up the response order can confuse participants and leave you with bad data.
  • Left-justify questions, charts, images, and the Next/Previous buttons. When you center or right-justify important information, it’s easy for participants to skip over it.
  • Add visual cues to help participants follow along. Number questions, be sure to use plenty of white space, and let folks know how many questions are left.
  • Split questions into multiple pages. Long, scrolling surveys take longer to complete (it’s so easy to lose your place!) and participants are more likely to miss questions. Instead, separate information into meaningful chunks, and arrange the chunks in a logical order.
  • Pilot test your survey. Test your survey with a small number of participants (10% of your total sample is a good rule of thumb) to work out any kinks.

The bottom line: Apply plain language and clear design principles to your surveys to get data you can use.