Social Media Part 6: Accessibility’s a Breeze on YouTube

Alt: A YouTube video, “The Good, The Bad, and the Dougly”, shows a cowboy doodle standing next to a rodeo clown doodle. The closed captioning reads, “Now that’s how you hog-tie a rodeo clown.”

It’s been a big year for YouTube, dear readers.

The Pew Research Center recently found that everyone’s favorite video-sharing site is dominating the social media landscape. You probably know YouTube for things like its powerful search function and its infamous influencers. But today we’re highlighting some of its lesser known — and super important — features: tools for making content accessible.

YouTube’s most prominent accessibility feature is closed captioning, which gives viewers the option to read video transcripts instead of listening to the video. This helps make your content accessible to people who are hard of hearing, folks who are watching in a loud environment, or users who can’t turn on the sound.

But there’s more. So much more! Check out all these things you can do to make content accessible on YouTube.

  • Use built-in speech recognition to auto-generate captions. This is an option in English and some other languages. We recommend checking these captions though, just to make sure nothing got lost in the process.
  • Upload a transcript. You can auto-sync the text to line up with the narration or dialogue in the video. Neat, right?
  • Add subtitles. Pro tip: If you don’t speak the language your subtitles are in, enable “community contributions” so viewers can do the work for you. Teamwork makes the dream work!
  • Download an auto-generated transcript and use it in on other social media platforms (like Facebook) where you want to share your video.

The bottom line: Turn to YouTube to make your video content more accessible.

Tweet about it: Accessibility’s a breeze on @YouTube! @CommunicateHlth explains: #HealthLit #a11y

Takeaways from the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media

alt: A line of very enthusiastic doodles streams through a large doorway. A banner above them reads, “NCHCMM: National Conference on Health Communication Marketing & Media.”

A few weeks ago, we ventured out of the We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters to attend one of our favorite conferences: the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media (NCHCMM). And it was great! So for this week’s post, we’re sharing our top 3 takeaways from this meeting of the health communication minds.

1. Make sure your message is relevant to your audience. Okay, dear readers, you’ve heard this one from us before. Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General, explained it like this: suppose your goal is to promote flu shots in your community, and your audience du jour is local business owners. Instead of only creating messages about how well the flu shot works, be super specific about how it benefits this particular audience. Fewer people with the flu = fewer employee sick days. Win win!

2. We’ve come a long way, baby! It’s easy to forget that health communication — and health literacy — are relatively new concepts. People have always communicated about health, but it wasn’t until the 1980s and 90s that health communication became its own field. (To put things in perspective, Ice Ice Baby existed before CDC had an Office of Communication.) Today, health communication is a well-established field with advanced degree programs, specialized peer-reviewed journals, and even our very own professional organization.

3. The best is yet to come. This year’s NCHCMM theme was “Insights into Impact,” which highlighted new tools that can help us become better health communicators. We heard about chat bots and machine learning for digital ad campaigns — and we even had the chance to show off our very favorite interactive infographic. None of these health communication tools were possible a couple decades ago. But now we’re able to segment audiences more precisely, reach people with more targeted messaging, and access better data to measure our impact.

Interested in what others thought of the conference? Search #NCHCMM on Twitter to see some highlights!

The bottom line: The field of health communication has come a long way, and we’re excited to move forward with it.

Tweet about it: Check out @CommunicateHlth’s #HealthLit takeaways from the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, & Media: #NCHCMM

Health Literacy in Action Conference

Register for the Health Literacy in Action Conference
Alt: Health Literacy in Action Conference. Register now! October 25–26, 2018 UMD — College Park, Maryland. Cohosted by: Consumer Health First, University of Maryland School of Public Health, CommunicateHealth, Institute for Healthcare Advancement.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you share our ❤ for health literacy. So this week, we wanted to tell you about an upcoming event we think you’ll also ❤: the Health Literacy in Action Conference (HLiA) happening on October 26 in College Park, MD.

The HLiA conference will bring together some of the most dedicated health literacy fans in the field (the Horowitz Center for Health Literacy! the Institute for Healthcare Advancement! yours truly!) for a deep dive into the principles and best practices of health literacy. We’ll be sharing the stage with health professionals and advocates from diverse organizations, all united by a passion for improving health literacy.

At HLiA, you’ll:

  • Learn practical tips for improving your health materials
  • Hear about the daily impact of health literacy
  • Connect with other health literacy enthusiasts

Visit HLiA’s website to learn more. Space is limited, so be sure to register early.

Anyway, join us! We can hardly wait to talk with you about our very favorite subject.

The bottom line: We hope to see you next month at HLiA for an exploration of innovative approaches to improving health literacy!

Tweet about it: Do you love #HealthLiteracy? Let’s talk about it at #HLiA18 on 10/26 in College Park, MD. Get all the #HealthLit details:

Bona-federal Clear Communication

Alt: A heart-eyed doodle clutches a screen. The screen displays a webpage that reads, “The thing you’re here to do” and a button that says, “Do that thing!” The doodle gushes, “It’s…it’s so beautiful…”

(First, apologies for that title. We couldn’t help ourselves.)

Here’s a true thing, dear readers: government websites often get a bad rap. This makes sense, since people often visit them to do or find something very specific and un-fun — like signing up for insurance or downloading a tax form. In these moments, the stakes are high and there’s a good chance that users are already frustrated. Too much jargon and annoying usability issues only make things worse.

That’s why we wanted to share our top 3 tips for creating user-friendly government websites — and showcase some sites we ❤.

1. Make it easy for people to do the thing. Most people don’t visit government websites for kicks. They need to get something done or find something out. So don’t make them read through a massive history of your agency or wade through a sea of reports to get to the content they need.

Case in point: Shopping for health insurance can be super overwhelming and it sure isn’t most people’s idea of a good time.’s homepage features big buttons with some of the most common action steps, like signing up for a plan. One click and you’re on your way.

2. Don’t assume your users are insiders. If you work for the government, you probably know the name of every department and program in your agency. But guess what? (That’s right, you guessed it.)

We ❤ how uses everyday words in the site navigation to guide people through the benefits available to Veterans and their families. The site doesn’t assume that people already know the ins and outs of the VA health care system or the names of all the VA programs. It just invites people to explore and apply for benefits. Zero insider knowledge necessary.

3. Don’t be afraid to be human. It’s okay to show a little personality or emotion — really! It might even be the key to engaging with users.

The folks behind aren’t afraid to tap into the emotions of their users. In fact, that’s a big part of how they help people quit smoking. They tell visitors that quitting is a journey. They encourage people to be proud on their Quit Day and reassure them that a slip-up doesn’t mean they’re failing. A little empathy can go a long way.

The bottom line: Government websites really can be clear, easy to use, and even fun!

Tweet about it: 3 tips for making government websites that are clear and easy to use from @CommunicateHlth: #HealthLit

Movie Club: Erin Brockovich

Alt: A doodle lies on a couch, happily watching a movie on their computer. From the movie, we hear, “That’s all you got, lady — two wrong feet in…”

Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we ❤ movies that put real-world public health heroes in the spotlight. Bonus points if that hero is played by a trash-talking, leopard-print-wearing, evil-corporation-fighting Julia Roberts. That’s right, dear readers — we’re talking about the 2000 biopic Erin Brockovich.

This award-winning film follows Brockovich as she exposes how the Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) poisoned the residents of Hinckley, California, by contaminating their water with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium. She digs up the dirt, gets the victims organized, and helps win a record-setting $333 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit.

She must be an Ivy League-educated lawyer, right? Or a privileged, polished, public health expert? Nope. At the time, Brockovich had no legal training, no public health experience, and none of her adversaries’ sense of boardroom propriety.

Nevertheless, her actions exemplify some of our favorite best practices for protecting the health of vulnerable communities.

  • Use plain language. While PG&E’s corporate lawyers use jargon and fine print to intimidate and confuse the victims, Brockovich tells it straight: “You were lied to. You’re sick and your kids are sick because of those lies.”
  • Build empathy with community members. Brockovich goes door to door in Hinckley, looking people in the eye, sitting at their kitchen tables, and learning their stories.
  • Find the right evidence. Much like Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha investigating blood lead levels in Flint, Michigan, Brockovich goes far beyond her job description to unearth the incriminating paper trail on Hinckley’s water contamination.
  • Make the stakes personal. Rejecting a low-ball settlement offer from the PG&E corporate lawyers, Brockovich points to their water glasses: “We had that water brought in special for you folks. Came from a well in Hinckley.”

The movie’s humor stems from a mismatch between perceptions of Brockovich (that she’s uneducated, unprofessional, and therefore incompetent) and her actual ability to tenaciously pursue facts, stand up to corporate strong-arming, and help right societal wrongs.

The bottom line: Never underestimate the role of community members and non-experts in protecting public health. Oh, and go watch Erin Brockovich.

Tweet about it: What makes Erin Brockovich a public health hero? Find out when @CommunicateHlth goes to the movies: #HealthLit

Health Literacy in the Wild: Meeting Notes Edition

alt: An adventuring doodle peers out from behind some foliage, binoculars in hand. In the background, a second doodle diligently types away at a computer. The adventuring doodle exclaims: “Behold the majestic meeting note taker. Marvel as they capture next steps with ease!”

In our newest series, Health Literacy in the Wild, we’re showing how you can apply health literacy principles in your workplace. Today’s edition will help your projects run more smoothly and your team stay more organized.

Ready? Let’s talk about meeting notes!

Here at We ❤︎ Health Literacy Headquarters, we’re busy designing infographics, building websites, and creating user-centered materials. And while it may not be the most exciting thing about the process, holding effective team meetings that produce clear takeaways about what’s happening next is part of what makes the magic happen.

Here’s how to draw from health literacy best practices to become a note-taking rockstar:

  • Summarize next steps. If you’re pressed for time and can’t record anything else, jot down the next steps, who’s going to do them, and when they need to be completed.
  • Keep it brief. Remember, you’re writing meeting notes, not a meeting transcript. Keep your notes focused on major updates, decisions, and next steps. Just like any well-written health material, the most helpful meeting notes are scannable and easy to read.
  • Use active voice. We ❤ active voice for pretty much all writing, but it’s especially important in meeting notes. “Kate will revise the fact sheet” is a lot more helpful than “The fact sheet will be revised.” (Also, there’s no shame in getting by with a little help from the zombies if you have trouble telling the difference between active and passive voice.)
  • Be specific. The best meeting notes are the ones that anyone can pick up and understand — even someone who wasn’t at the meeting. Instead of “Change the color to blue,” try “Pat will change the call-out box background color to the blue from the 9/22 color palette.”
  • Share notes soon after you meet. It’s good practice to jot down notes during a meeting, clean them up immediately after, and send them out within a day. This way, you’ll help keep your team on track!

The bottom line: Your team will thank you for taking clear, actionable meeting notes. And that’s a health literacy win!

Tweet about it: How can #HealthLit principles help you take better meeting notes? @CommunicateHlth has tips:

Can We Quote You on That?

alt: Two doodles with cats on their heads are chatting outside. One doodle says, “…and that’s why I LOVE this new cat head support group!” The other responds, “Awesome! Is it cool if we quote you?” In the background, a third doodle excitedly shouts, “Woo hoo!”

As plain-language-loving health communicators, we’re always looking for simple ways to share information clearly and effectively. This week, dear readers, we’re talking about a super useful tool for enhancing your plain language health content: including quotes from the target audience.

So why do we ❤ quotes in health content so much?

They can make your content friendlier and more relatable. Quotes from your target audience give content a valuable personal touch that helps readers better understand how information applies to them. Quotes can also inspire trust and confirm that the information you’re sharing is reliable.

For example, if you’re trying to encourage parents to take steps to keep their kids healthy, including a quote from an actual parent can help personalize the message and add credibility.

  • Get active with your kids! Try to find activities you enjoy together, like taking a walk or going for a bike ride.
  • “My daughter and I love to dance together. We spend a few minutes before dinner dancing to our favorite songs — and sometimes the whole family joins in!”

They help reinforce your messaging and inspire action. Quotes are a great way to reach audiences that may be hesitant to take the next step in their health journey. Your readers may be more inspired to change their behavior if they hear real-life success stories from people they can relate to.

For example, if you’re trying to encourage people with depression to seek help, it might be easier for a reader to follow advice from someone who’s been in their shoes.

  • If you think you may be depressed, getting help is the most important thing you can do.
  • “I’m really glad I talked to a counselor. He helped me remember that I’m not alone — and I have a lot of support.”

The bottom line: Quotes from real people can help you connect with your audience and emphasize the importance of your messaging.

Tweet about it: Can we quote you on that? @CommunicateHlth talks about the benefits of using quotes in #HealthLit content:

To Be Clear, Use All the Words You Need

Alt: A confused doodle reads instructions on a pill bottle: “Take 2 pills 4 times a day.” In the next pane, the same doodle reads better instructions on a pill bottle: “Every day, take: 2 pills in the morning, 2 pills at 12 p.m. (noon), 2 pills in the evening, 2 pills at bedtime.” The doodle says, “Now I get it!”

Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we love to keep sentences and paragraphs short and sweet. But what happens when you really need a lot of words to communicate something clearly?

Our advice: if it’s a choice between brevity and clarity, choose clarity every time. Health information can be complicated! And sometimes you just need more words to tell your readers what they need to know.

Let’s look at a couple of examples. Which of these options works best?

  • Your out-of-pocket maximum is the most you have to pay for covered health care services in a plan year.
  • Your out-of-pocket maximum is the most you have to pay for covered health care services in a plan year. After you spend this amount on deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance for in-network care and services, your health plan pays 100% of the costs of covered benefits.

In this case, longer is definitely better, right? The second sentence (courtesy of gives helpful context for a tricky health insurance-related term.

In general, it’s best to fight the urge to use a more jargony phrase just to lower your word count. Here’s another example:

  • You may have swelling at the injection site.
  • You may have swelling where you got the shot — usually on your upper arm.

Again, more words — but way clearer.

So remember, dear readers, a higher word count isn’t always the enemy. And you can still look for opportunities to break up longer sentences and “chunk” your content into bulleted lists or short paragraphs.

The bottom line: Sometimes, writing in plain language means using more words — and that’s okay!

Tweet about it: .@CommunicateHlth explains that sometimes clear communication means more words — and it’s okay! #HealthLit

Book Club: The Butchering Art

alt: A doodle stands in a morgue, reading “The Butchering Art”

Picture this: a young surgeon dissects a cadaver in the basement of a teaching hospital. With his bare hands, he rummages around in decomposing organs, palpates the heart, and examines the brain. Then he wipes his hands on his bloody apron, walks upstairs to the maternity ward, and with those same hands… delivers a baby. Dun dun duuun!

That’s just one of many gruesome scenes in Lindsey Fitzharris’s book, The Butchering Art. Fitzharris shows us surgery in the bad old days before germ theory and antiseptics, tracing the path of medical progress through the central figure of Joseph Lister. That’s right — the man who inspired Listerine!

As Lister searches for a way to prevent post-operative infections, Fitzharris treats us to plenty of shocking historical details — including a surgeon who amputated a leg so fast he also lopped off a testicle. But what really stands out in this tale is the importance of 2 basic rules of public health:

  • Use evidence-based practices
  • Share information with partners

The case of Ignaz Semmelweis is a great example. Fitzharris explains that this doctor figured out how to prevent puerperal (or childbed) fever a full 20 years before Lister announced his antiseptic system. Semmelweis guessed that surgeons were transferring “cadaverous particles” from corpses to laboring mothers, so he set up a handwashing station. And boom! No more childbed fever.

But did Semmelweis become a public health hero? Was childbed fever a thing of the past? Sadly, dear readers, that’s a big nope. No one believed him, and he died in a mental institution “raging about childbed fever and the doctors who refused to wash their hands.”

Lister faced much the same resistance from the medical community when he introduced his antiseptic system, and way too many people died of preventable infections before the health care system got its act together.

The good news is, we can learn from this gory history lesson. Next time the evidence supports a new way of doing things (like, say, using plain language in your health communications), work with partners to create policies that fit the facts. It’s much more productive than putting progressive thinkers in an asylum.

The bottom line: Read The Butchering Art to learn how antiseptics made surgery a lot less disgusting.

Tweet about it: How did public health pioneers help surgery clean up its act? @CommunicateHlth reads “The Butchering Art” by @DrLindseyFitz:

Other Things We ❤: La Leche League Putting Parents First

alt: Three identical images are titled “Breastfeeding”, “Chestfeeding” and “Nursing”. In each image, a peaceful looking doodle sits in a comfy armchair, lovingly holding a baby doodle to their body to feed.

We’re always on the lookout for health literacy in the news. So earlier this month, we were psyched to see a joint statement on the term “chestfeeding” by La Leche League’s USA and Canada chapters. We got even more excited when we saw that they’re using tried-and-true health communication strategies to back it up.

“Chestfeeding” is a term that many transgender men and gender non-binary parents use to describe feeding their children with their bodies. It’s another word for the action more commonly known as “breastfeeding” or “nursing.”

As La Leche League explains, they’re not replacing the term “breastfeeding” with “chestfeeding.” Rather, they’re encouraging their volunteer leaders to tailor language to match the terms that parents themselves prefer to use. That’s right, they’re using the language their audience uses — and you know how much we ❤ that.

Gendered language can contribute to health disparities by making it harder for transgender and gender non-binary people to seek — and receive — quality care. We’ve previously written about other ways that health communicators can be welcoming and inclusive of transgender and gender non-binary audiences, like:

We’re glad to see La Leche League recognizing the impact that language can have and taking steps to support transgender parents.

The bottom line: Kudos to La Leche League for putting parents first by adding “chestfeeding” to their vocabulary!

Tweet about it: Glad to see @LaLecheLeagueUS and @LLLCanada’s statement on #chestfeeding — #HealthLit principles and transgender inclusivity in action! via @CommunicateHlth